报告题目:Decompositionof Value-Added in Gross Exports: Unresolved Issues and Possible Solutions
报告摘要:To betterunderstand trade in the context of global value chains, it is important to havea full and explicit decomposition of value-added in gross exports. While thedecomposition proposed by Koopman, Wang and Wei (2014) is a first step in thisdirection, there are still three outstanding issues that need to be furtheraddressed: (1) the nature of double counting in gross exports; (2) thecalculation of the foreign value-added net of any double counting; and (3) thedecomposition of gross exports at the industry level (the industry whereexports take place). In this paper, we propose a new accounting framework thataddresses these different issues and clarifies the definition of exports ininter-country input-output (ICIO) tables. It contributes to the literature: (i)by refining the definition of double-counted value-added in gross exports; (ii)by providing new expressions for the foreign value-added and double-countedterms; and (iii) by indicating how the new framework can be used to decomposeexports at the industry level.